Blanche, Sheltering Saint: 0.33
Dungeon Guide: 3.97
Fast Cure: 3.53
Heavenly Guide: 0.17
Incapacitate: 3.81
Juggle Knives: 3.42
Reprogram: 2.47
Resolute Stand: 2.53
Scry the Skies: 2.94
Stalwart Shieldmate: 1.11
Thieving Cut: 2.97
Turbo Charge: 1.03
Vanish from Sight: 2.11
Creative Shock: 4.00
Under Fire: 0.86
Excalibur, Cleansing Light: 3.86
Gleaming Cut: 4.00
Lightweaver's Assault: 4.00
Luxem Sight: 4.00
Uncover the Plot: 3.19
Slice and Dice: 1.50
Planted Explosive: 0.69
Wisdom's Reprise: 0.39
Thousand Refractions: 0.14
Sable Remnant: 0.92
Exploit Vulnerability: 1.00
Reduce to Ash: 0.03
Triskit, Guidance Angel: 0.06
Uther, Illustrious King: 0.08
Dusklight Communion: 0.17
Gentle Respite: 0.39
Exorcise Curses: 0.08
Gawain, Chivalrous Thief: 0.39
Bring Down the Mighty: 0.06
Corhazi Lightblade: 0.06
Sadi, Blood Harvester: 0.06
Serum of Wisdom: 0.06