Dungeon Guide: 3.92
Fast Cure: 2.33
Harvest Herbs: 3.50
Heavenly Guide: 0.75
Indolent Leisure: 3.00
Mnemonic Charm: 3.00
Nascent Barrier: 3.25
Scry the Skies: 2.58
Wisdom's Reprise: 3.00
Stifling Trap: 1.25
Three Visits: 3.33
Astra Sight: 3.58
Astral Seal: 2.67
Cometfall: 2.83
Cosmic Bolt: 4.00
Spellshield: Astra: 2.75
Peaceful Reunion: 0.33
Resolute Stand: 0.25
Barter Herbs: 0.92
Empowering Prayer: 0.33
Lunar Seer: 0.75
Scry the Stars: 0.33
Acolyte of Cultivation: 0.33
Fractal of Insight: 0.17
Novice Healer: 0.33
Beseech the Winds: 0.33
Cyclical Breeze: 0.33
Dream Fairy: 0.25
Enchaining Gale: 0.17
Fairy Whispers: 0.33
Favorable Winds: 0.33
Reclaim: 0.17
Spellshield: Wind: 0.17
Veiling Breeze: 0.33
Windmill Engineer: 0.33
Zephyr: 1.00
Gentle Respite: 1.50
Nurture Crops: 0.50
Fertile Grounds: 1.25
Meteor Strike: 0.58
Caretaker Drone: 0.33
Potion of Healing: 0.33
Library Witch: 0.33
Serum of Wisdom: 0.33
Scout the Land: 0.33
Turbo Charge: 0.50
Prima Materia: 0.67
Stalwart Shieldmate: 0.17