Exploit Vulnerability: 2.00
Idle Thoughts: 4.00
Incapacitate: 3.00
Mastermind Scheme: 2.00
Sable Remnant: 2.00
Slice and Dice: 4.00
Thieving Cut: 3.00
Arrow Trap: 2.00
Betraying Blade: 4.00
Cloaked Executioner: 3.00
Shimmercloak Assassin: 4.00
Sirocco Operative: 4.00
Stifling Trap: 2.00
Surveil the Winds: 4.00
Gloamspire Headhunter: 2.00
Grim Foreboding: 1.00
Haunting Demise: 2.00
Penumbral Waltz: 2.00
Shadow Resonance: 3.00
Shadowstrike: 3.00
Shifting Mirage: 4.00