Acolyte of Cultivation: 4.00
Ardent Cloudstriker: 3.00
Fractal of Insight: 3.00
Fractal of Mana: 2.00
Indolent Leisure: 2.00
Nascent Blast: 3.00
Unbroken Mustang: 2.00
Wisdom's Reprise: 2.00
Apprentice Aeromancer: 3.00
Bagua of Cardinal Fate: 4.00
Brisk Windtrotter: 4.00
Cyclical Breeze: 2.00
Fairy Whispers: 4.00
Favorable Winds: 4.00
Reclaim: 4.00
Shu Frontliner: 4.00
Veiling Breeze: 4.00
Windmill Engineer: 2.00
Zephyr: 4.00