Lineage Stats

Spirit of Serene Fire

Spirit of Serene Fire

Zander, Prepared Scout

Zander, Prepared Scout

Zander, Deft Executor

Zander, Deft Executor

Card averages across all decks in lineage

Spirit of Serene Fire

Spirit of Serene Fire: 1.00

Zander, Prepared Scout

Zander, Prepared Scout: 1.00

Zander, Deft Executor

Zander, Deft Executor: 1.00

Backup Charger

Backup Charger: 1.00

Emergent Dagger

Emergent Dagger: 1.00

Mandate of Honor

Mandate of Honor: 1.00

Nullifying Lantern

Nullifying Lantern: 1.00

Nullifying Mirror

Nullifying Mirror: 1.00

Orb of Choking Fumes

Orb of Choking Fumes: 1.00

Quicksilver Grail

Quicksilver Grail: 1.00

Smoke Bombs

Smoke Bombs: 1.00

Viridian Protective Trinket

Viridian Protective Trinket: 1.00

Dawn of Ashes

Dawn of Ashes: 4.00

Exploit Vulnerability

Exploit Vulnerability: 3.50

Extraction Incision

Extraction Incision: 3.00

Fast Cure

Fast Cure: 2.00

Gawain, Chivalrous Thief

Gawain, Chivalrous Thief: 3.50

Gentle Respite

Gentle Respite: 2.50

Gildas, Chronicler of Aesa

Gildas, Chronicler of Aesa: 1.50

Imperial Spy

Imperial Spy: 4.00


Incapacitate: 4.00

Keep of the Golden Sashes

Keep of the Golden Sashes: 0.50

Kingdom Informant

Kingdom Informant: 1.50

Library Witch

Library Witch: 4.00

Mortal Ambition

Mortal Ambition: 1.00

Sadi, Blood Harvester

Sadi, Blood Harvester: 4.00

Scavenging Raccoon

Scavenging Raccoon: 4.00

Slice and Dice

Slice and Dice: 4.00

Stalwart Shieldmate

Stalwart Shieldmate: 4.00

Turbo Charge

Turbo Charge: 1.00

Xiao Qiao, Cinderkeeper

Xiao Qiao, Cinderkeeper: 4.00

Blanche, Sheltering Saint

Blanche, Sheltering Saint: 1.00

Feed Nourishment

Feed Nourishment: 2.00

Reduce to Ash

Reduce to Ash: 1.00

Crimson Protective Trinket

Crimson Protective Trinket: 1.00

Mystic Purifier

Mystic Purifier: 3.50

Unbroken Mustang

Unbroken Mustang: 1.50

Water Resonance Bauble

Water Resonance Bauble: 0.50

Wind Resonance Bauble

Wind Resonance Bauble: 0.50

Flute of Taming

Flute of Taming: 0.50

Orb of Sealing

Orb of Sealing: 0.50


Meltdown: 1.00

Participant Record Rank Players in Event Event Name Date Decklist
teramirror #310 3 - 2 - 1 22 54 Regional Championships Box Hill 2025-01-10 View
teramirror #310 3 - 5 - 0 114 182 Ascent Melbourne 2025-03-01 View