Dawn of Ashes: 4.00
Exploit Vulnerability: 3.00
Extraction Incision: 3.00
Fast Cure: 2.00
Gawain, Chivalrous Thief: 3.00
Gentle Respite: 3.00
Gildas, Chronicler of Aesa: 3.00
Imperial Spy: 4.00
Incapacitate: 4.00
Keep of the Golden Sashes: 1.00
Kingdom Informant: 3.00
Library Witch: 4.00
Mortal Ambition: 2.00
Sadi, Blood Harvester: 4.00
Scavenging Raccoon: 4.00
Slice and Dice: 4.00
Stalwart Shieldmate: 4.00
Turbo Charge: 1.00
Xiao Qiao, Cinderkeeper: 4.00