Release Notes

Release Notes V1.0.8
August 24, 2024

New Data

  • Honk Kong Regional
    • 84 additional decklists added
  • Cat Footprint - Regional
    • 40 additional decklists added
  • Webway Games regional
    • 34 additional decklists added
  • Good Games Box Hill regional
    • 36 addtional decklists added
  • JoJos Hobbyhouse Regional
    • 10 addtional decklists added
  • Signapore Regional added
    • 100 decklists added
  • Taiwan Regional added
    • 79 decklists added


Updates to Like Tracker

  • Changing color backgrounds now works!
  • Stores color data in local storage, so it will save colors between uses
  • Changed player 1 (Me by default) to the bottom towards you) - Changed Player 2 (You by default) to the top
    • Flipped text on Player 2 (You) to be facing opponent
  • Updated history log to use custom names
  • Changed location of player names
  • Changed location of delta number
  • Increased some text size
  • Increased Life size by double
  • Increased delta size by about 20%
  • Should have better standalone app support on iOS now :Prayge:
  • Still in process of aquiring a iPhone to use for testing in the future, if you find any bugs or whatnot please let me know and I will do my best to address them.

Features soon ish?

  • Level counter / Storm Slime counter

Updates to Main page

  • Updated the main page to have region filtering for the charts

Bug Fixes

  • none atm
Life Tracker New Data New Feature UX Improvements
Release Notes V1.0.6
August 15, 2024

New Data

  • Added 16 deck results for Ludo Regional
  • Added 16 deck results for Christchurch Regional
  • Added 46 decklists for Christchurch Regional


  • Matched colors to main page in event_decklist charts
  • New Easter Egg on the site
  • Dozens of codebase improvements

Bug Fixes

  • Fixed issue with Fragmented Spirit and Serene spirit in decks that ran multiple spirits in their material deck
  • Fixed rounded corners in lineage line champion images on event_decklists
Bug Fixes New Data New Feature UX Improvements
Release Notes V1.0.3.1
July 31, 2024


  • Fixed the sorting feature on lineage_stats decklist table, you can now click headers of columns to swap between ascending and descending sorting
  • Fixed the sorting on search page decklist table, you can now click headers of columns to swap between ascending and descending sorting
Bug Fixes UX Improvements
Release Notes V1.0.3
July 29, 2024

New Data

  • Added 213 deck results for Yeti Gaming Online Regional


  • Weekly price changes Page
    • Will dynamically show up to 25 results for each item type :silvie_wow:
    • Includes % price change
    • Only changes of 0.15 USD or more (can be adjusted in the future if needed)
  • Imported Historical price data back to 5-15-24 (MRC release date)
  • Updated urls to be cleaner, but also to hide my sins (if you know you know)
  • Updated Navbar/Footer with new links
  • New Favicon
New Data New Feature Price Tracker UX Improvements
Release Notes V1.0.2
July 28, 2024

New Data

  • Added 99 deck results for Illusive Online Regional


  • Added sorting to Lineage Stats tables
  • Added sorting to search table
  • Added deck export to omnidex format function
  • implement tcgplayer market and low pricing for decks
  • Created a lineage_stats page that shows the following information
    • Deck Averages
    • Top8 toggle
    • decklists for that specific lineage
New Data New Feature UX Improvements