Upcoming Features

Deck Comparison
September 4, 2024
  • Compare decks (select multiple decks from anywhere lists of decks are)
    • Will show you the differences and what is the same between the selection
New Feature
In Progress
Conversion rate of decks into topcut
September 4, 2024

Will show the conversion rate of specific decks into top cut of the event

New Feature UX Improvements
Set price pages
September 4, 2024
  • Page to view all prices for cards for a specific set
    • Sort based on Rarity/Element/Card Type
    • Ability to view historical prices
New Feature Price Tracker
In Progress
Most popular cards of each type page
September 4, 2024
  • Most popular cards per Card Type (Based on % of decks a card is used in)
New Feature
In Progress
Life Tracker updates
September 4, 2024
  • Level counter
  • Storm slime counter
  • Set minimum health to 0
  • Set maximum health to 30
Life Tracker New Feature
Lineage Stats Updates
September 4, 2024
  • Update lineage_stats page to be able to accept a region input
New Feature
Archetype system
September 3, 2024

Archetype system version

  • Initial release of the Archetype system for silvie.gg
  • Currently active on event_decklists pages
  • Coming to search soon
New Feature UX Improvements